Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

lobus parietalis (par)

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Current level lobus parietalis (par)
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
61826 6004
lobus parietalis (par)
lóbulo parietal (par)
facies superolateralis (par)
cara superolateral (par)
61896 6009 tax
gyrus postcentralis (par)
circunvolunción postcentral (par)
cortex somatosensorius primarius gyri postcentralis (par)
córtex somatosensorial primario de la circunvolunción postcentral (par)
83774 6010
sulcus postcentralis (par)
surco postcentral (par)
61899 6011 tax
lobulus parietalis superior (par)
lobulillo parietal superior (par)
83772 6008
sulcus intraparietalis (par)
surco intraparietal (par)
sulcus intermedius primus (par) ; sulcus intermedius anterior (par)
primo surco intermedio (par); surco intermedio anterior (par)
sulcus intermedius secundus (par) ; sulcus intermedius posterior (par)
segundo surco intermedio (par); surco intermedio posterior (par)
sulcus parietalis transversus
surco parietal transverso
77536 6006 tax
lobulus parietalis inferior (par)
lobulillo parietal inferior (par)
61898 6005 tax
gyrus angularis (par)
circunvolunción ángular (par)
74889 6007 tax
operculum parietale
opérculo parietal
61897 6012 tax
gyrus supramarginalis (par)
circunvolunción supramarginal (par)
facies inferomedialis (par)
cara inferomedial (par)
77534 6045 tax
lobulus paracentralis
lobulillo paracentral
77538 6058 tax
gyrus paracentralis posterior
circunvolunción paracentral posterior
cortex somatosensorius primarius gyri paracentralis posterioris
córtex somatosensorial primario de la circunvolunción paracentral posterior
sulcus parietalis transversus (par)
surco parietal transverso (par)
61900 6059 tax
precuneus (par)
precuña (par)
83777 6041
sulcus subparietalis
surco subparietal
21 lines
100.0 %
90.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See note # 6006
The Angular and supramarginal gyri form with the Parietal operculum the Lobulus parietalis inferior (Inferior parietal lobule or IPL). The Gyrus angularis (Angular gyrus; BA39) can be further subdivided (see Caspers S, Amunts K, Zilles K 2012 Posterior parietal cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1036-1035). The Operculum parietale (Parietal operculum) contains four cytoarchitectonic, functionally defined areas OP1-4 (see Eickhoff S, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Amunts K 2006a The human parietal operculum. I. Cytoarchitectonic mapping of subdivisions. Cereb Cortex 16:254-267; Eickhoff S, Amunts K, Mohlberg H, Zilles K 2006b Stereotaxic maps and correlation with functional imaginig results. Cereb Cortex 16:268-279). The Gyrus supramarginalis (Supramarginal gyrus; BA40) can be further subdivided (see Caspers et al. 2012).
See note # 6006
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
The Lobulus parietalis superior (Superior parietal lobule or SPL) can be divided into a Preparietal area (BA5 with subdivisions) and a Superior parietal area (BA7 with subdivisions; see Scheperjans F, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. 2008 Probabilistic maps, cytoarchitectonic morphometry, and variability of areas in human superior parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 18:2141-2157).
See note # 6006
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
See note # 8781
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6004
Number of children 50 (validated)
Number of units 21 (validated)
Signature 17326 (validated since 14.3.2020)
Date: 05.06.2024